

The Department of 整形和重建外科 offers opportunities for students to learn more about plastic 手术 and engage with our clinical and research teams.



The Johns Hopkins Department of 整形和重建外科 offers a comprehensive four-week sub-internship experience for senior medical students who have completed a core 手术 clerkship. The course is designed for students in their final year of training who will be participating in the upcoming National Resident Matching Program for a position within plastic 手术. 轮转提供了广泛的接触全方位的整形手术, 包括先天性和外伤性颅面重建, 显微外科, 乳房重建, 选择性和创伤性手外科, 一般及肿瘤重建, 还有整容手术.


Dr. 萨利赫Colakoglu
克里斯汀·布罗德里克, M.D.

项目协调人: 丽贝卡Slattery


Sub-interns will rotate through three of our plastic 手术 services split between The Johns Hopkins Hospital and 约翰霍普金斯湾景 Medical Center. 

学生将完成为期一周的服务轮岗. The curriculum for the fourth week will be determined based on student interests and availability.



请注意我们是这么做的  参与VSAS应用服务. 学生必须通过约翰霍普金斯大学医学院申请 司法常务官办公室. 以下是申请所需的所有文件的清单. 

  • 访问学生申请
    -请参考医学院的 校历 填写“选修日期”一栏. 您最多可以列出三个可能的轮换日期,按偏好降序排列. Please 不e that while the application requires your listed dates fall precisely within the school of medicine's academic blocks, our department is able to work with students to ensure their sub-internship aligns with any off-cycle or external scheduling requirements.
  • 来自院长办公室的推荐信/良好的信誉
  • 正式成绩单,表明完成了核心外科的工作
  • 免疫接种记录
  • 荣誉守则,只有签名页

请寄给 丽贝卡Slattery a brief email to express your interest in our subinternship and include your preferred rotation dates. Please inform us if your preferred dates conflict with the Johns Hopkins 校历 so we can best accommodate these restrictions.

如欲申请,请透过 我们的在线申请门户.

Please 不e that the 司法常务官办公室 can sometimes take up to three months to process applications. 建议学生尽早申请,并可提前六个月提交申请.

一旦你的申请被处理和接受, 在开始任何临床活动之前,必须支付注册费. Do  包括这笔付款在您的初始申请. 请参考医学院 收费的网站 获取最新的详细信息.

感兴趣的学生应该注意到这一点, although the residency program is a joint program with both Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland, 该次实习由约翰霍普金斯大学医学院独家赞助. Students who may have an interest in rotating at the University of Maryland/Shock Trauma need to apply for a visiting rotation through the University of Maryland 医学院. 



The Underrepresented in Medicine (URM) visiting elective program is intended to provide highly qualified fourth-year medical students from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine the opportunity to rotate with the Department of 整形和重建外科 at the Johns Hopkins 医学院. 该计划旨在:

  • 位置4th 作为有竞争力的整形外科申请者,在学术上取得成功
  • Connect prospective URM plastic 手术 applicants with mentors that recognize the critical need to diversify the plastic and reconstructive 手术 workforce
  • Explore the field of plastic and reconstructive 手术 at one of the largest and busiest tertiary care centers in the nation, 同时治疗极其多样化的患者群体


请将完整的申请通过电子邮件发送至丽贝卡·斯莱特里 (电子邮件保护) except for the letter of recommendation—your letter writer should email your letter to 丽贝卡Slattery directly. 不完整的申请将不予考虑.


描述了约翰霍普金斯大学在美国整形外科历史上的作用, from John Staige Davis to other surgeons of today who continue to make incredible advances in the field.


Called “Charm City” for a reason, Baltimore is a place that has a little something for everybody. 巴尔的摩是一个充满活力的城市,是历史魅力的独特融合, 文化遗产与城市活力. 在内港闲逛, 参加邻里节日, 骑自行车上学等等, 约翰霍普金斯医学院的学生, 研究生和居民对巴尔的摩有很多喜爱之处.